a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I don't know how allowed it is to post links, but I wanted to get this video out there so that people that might enjoy it might stumble upon it.
As I said this is a comedic review. i'm not entitled to make this video at all since i suck at this game, so please forgive the horrible game footage. ok thx bye :^V
I've found myself stealing food and tools from other towns (usually taking their horse drawn carts as well) more than I'd like to admit.
Amazing technology spreading simulator, thanks for sharing.
societies are usually too busy dying to go beyond some kind of tribal commonwealth, but you could probably crown a monarchy with some class division, plenty of food, documentation of the holy lineage, and a whole lot of ambition.
...Oh, and a crown helps too
unrelated, but I was born into the Tarr family in a town known as Distantium.
I was trading with a northern town, since I had no heritage in Distantium, as my parents were killed by some donkey doer.
anyway, this dude just shoots me, telling me that "all Tarrs are rats".
didn't even know my family lol.
can only assume he was talking about you, but I really don't know. Anyway it was fun while it lasted
copper would be great if it wasn't just "bad iron". I think it should need at least a kiln and not being of use for stuff ike saws and other non-basic tools. I think it should definitely be nice to make copper wiring when we get electricity though.
yeah it'd be cool if it had some other specialty uses. Like he said crowns and whatnot, but perhaps some other weapons or specialty tools? maybe add tin then you can make bronze? wouldn't mind having some Greek Hoplites armed with spears and chestplates wandering around protecting the town from donkey doers.
Could they be saying б? It's lowercase Cyrillic b.
Perhaps instead of satanists, the babies are simply confused slavs seeking help.
They all need to die.
Blessed image.
A connection had been lost.
I always imagined that your player just has a heart attack or a stroke when you lose connection, just to keep things realistic. But in this case, you very well could've died of pure grief.
I will admit, the new update needs a lot of work. For me, a game like this should be expected to have a few bad updates here and there, especially since the very concept of this game is very abstract and experimental. It's good that we protest bad changes in the game, but lets also be happy that we have someone who actively wants to fix glaring issues with it.
Just give it some time, and if it never gets fixed there will always be private servers.
It seems that the decay system has lead many to live a nomadic lifestyle. Every since the update, every time I spawn, I'm either in a failing farming society, i'm left to die, or me and my mother simply walk around looking for food. I've always wanted to do a nomadic game with horses and carts and the like, but my scenario doesn't really emulate that well.
In one game, I was a male hunter that lived on the edge of society. I had a hand cart, a bow and arrow, and a dream. I would take a basket or two of carrots from the village with my handcart and head out to the swamp. There was TONS of geese, and I'd fill my cart with geese and head back to town, and the cycle would continue.
I was laggin' pretty bad today too. Was showing a friend the game after the decay update, and he was lagging out to the point where he would be starving, when food was plentiful. It seems to be better now, but because of this post i'm confident that it wasn't just my ISP.
maybe flax or hemp..
Darn, missed 4/20 by one day with that hemp suggestion
i play df all the time, i see where you are getting those vibes.
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