One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Moderators persecuting people on ohol discord » 2024-10-31 16:29:09

This thread has just devolved into people throwing insults at each other so I am locking it.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying » 2024-05-24 07:35:10

Nobody can force anyone to curse someone. It's their own curse and their own account and choices.

If you're acting like a jerk to someone and they tell their friends you're a jerk it's still the friends choice to curse you.
Reputation matters in this game and if you're griefing or being a jerk people will remember. You WERE griefing, support it and spoke about it publicly. People do not want to play near you anymore for it.

The leaderboard stuff is 99% for keeping track of people you've cursed. Curse names have repeats because the list is only 100 words. SO many people share the same curse name it's not a good way to remember why you have someone cursed. People also post the leaderboards of people who are bad people so when you curse someone it's easy to see "Okay yeah they are consistently doing stuff like this to others" instead of maybe they just had a bad day or were framed for something. While tracking people is possible to an extent (You can only tell what family they are in after like 20 mins of them being alive) it's really only used to track people that are notorious town killers. Absolutely no one is watching random ass people. What is the point?

The curse system works. Your actions have consequences and those consequences are a high curse score. Take it as an opportunity to grow and self reflect instead of being bitter.

(I will not be replying to this thread after this message)

#3 Re: Main Forum » Official apology » 2024-02-04 16:38:38

I think it's nice you apologized. I honestly believe you that you didn't know he was dead. Still a fucking horrible and shitty thing to change it to even if you didn't know. But I still think apologizing is a nice gesture.

Everyone else's anger is understandable as well, but those are my thoughts anyways.

#4 Re: News » Update: Methman Memorial » 2024-02-03 20:57:45

Thank you for this Jason. It's really touching and I'm sure he'd appreciate being honored inside the game.

He was a pillar in the community and it won't be the same with him gone.

Game good yet?

#5 Re: Main Forum » Mom of the Year » 2023-11-08 23:53:28

This is the best post on the forum by far

#6 Re: Main Forum » Phex Toxic Behavior » 2023-07-21 18:23:41

Yikes told me to post here that Rudy WAS timed out for saying the N Word.

Make your own forum account yikes u goober

#7 Re: Main Forum » A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban » 2023-07-04 18:21:20

Reformed wrote:

Be nice.  Be welcoming.  Don't be mean.  Don't attack each other.

The rules mentioned above solely apply to individuals outside the moderators' posse.

Here is a screenshot of a friend of the moderators threatening defamation of a friend of mine with you ruru, cosigning his threat.

No disciplinary action has been taken in response. A similar incident occurred previously involving me, followed by the circulation of a Facebook page within the community bearing a close resemblance to my name. Threats and derogatory comments were made toward the sister of the individual associated with that Facebook account.

The offense is not considered ban-worthy due to Humboldt and ruru being allies of the moderators and opting not to act as antagonists in this video game.

Hum was TO'd and warned to stop. Hence my "bad hum". I deleted mentions of your name aswell. There is a reason it isn't brought up anymore despite the large amount of conversation around you in specific.

He was given the same warning you got, except he stopped.

I do not read the entire discord so if there is other things around your info that was missed lemme know.

#8 Re: Frequently Asked Questions » LOGIN FAILED » 2023-04-22 19:39:07

My go to solution for all problems with the game is;

uninstall the game.
Delete the ENTIRE game folder (because uninstalling leaves files behind)
reinstall the game
maybe fixed??

#9 Re: Frequently Asked Questions » Can't get it to run on Linux - help! » 2023-03-29 08:18:45

I'd join the discord and ask for help there. I've seen a couple people as the same question before there so maybe you can use the search results and find answers.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Account Recovery? » 2023-03-22 06:01:32

You need to contact Jason at [email protected] and tell him the email you think you purchased the game with and he will attempt to help you.

#11 Re: Frequently Asked Questions » Can't Launch on MacBook “OneLife_v217” needs to be updated. " » 2023-02-19 02:27:11

To play on Mac you need to use the awbz mod.

There is instructions for how to install on the github just read there

#15 Re: Frequently Asked Questions » How do I get my money back? » 2022-07-04 06:10:13

The game isn't natively supported on mac but a mod called AWBZ lets you play it. Go to this discord message link for instructions if interested. … 3166599178

The game is deceptively not optimized. It seems like it should be able to be played on low end machines but you need a semi-decent machine to not lag. I would at least try to run it with the AWBZ mod before refunding it to see if it's necessary.

For a refund contact the dev at [email protected]

#16 Re: Main Forum » Troll Problem and Curses » 2022-06-27 07:28:36

This thread is cringe. Fucking yikes.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Looking for your tales! » 2022-06-27 06:57:03

I have a lot of stories but this is one of my favorites. This short little wholesome story is what ignited my love for this game has kept me hopeful about it since even thought it can be pretty sucky sometimes.

So this happened a long time ago when I was still pretty new to the game. I don't remember the town or the family name but it was an early gen town, Not Eve but we were still struggling. I was working on making pies but nobody was farming so I was basically doing both jobs trying to keep the town fed. I had a daughter, she was my only child that life and she was new. I named her Ruby. She asked how she could help and I really needed help so I spent the time to teach her how to make compost. I told her to just make as much as she could because we were burning through it and went back to work. A good amount of time passes and I'm well over 40 when I've finally filled the kitchen; so I go looking for her. I found her still by the sheep pen making compost, but now she has a son and she's teaching him how to make compost too.

I know it's stupid but in that moment I understood why this game was special. Like she's brand new but is still helping her own son learn what to do and how to play. That's just so cute and precious. Then also something I taught was being taught to someone else. It made me think about the person who taught me and wonder who taught them, and just the giant impact teaching one player could have on the game. I think I really fell in love with this game that life. Most of the life was stressful and tedious work but that one shining moment made it all worth it. That's basically OHOL in a nutshell. You play and work for hours and hours to find that one good life to keep you going.

#18 Re: Main Forum » A challenge for you guys » 2022-05-09 09:39:32

Eve Troll wrote:

The game and its community are too unforgiving.

No wonder player retention is next to nothing.

Accidents happen, we should welcome them instead of punishing them. But with the fate of everyone coming down to a handful of rabbits or berry bushes its not surprising people react the way they do to mistakes or not playing optimally.

I mean there's a lot of variables. If I saw someone burn 1 rabbit that's totally fine. I'd explain to them how to cook it right.

If they burned multiple rabbits in a row that would still be fine because maybe they just thought that was how it was done or they just didn't notice it burnt. I'd just tell them what they did wrong.

If they contuined burning rabbits after I explained how to do it that's just wasteful and griefing.

There's a lot of stupid what ifs in determining what is and isn't griefing and everyone has different opinions. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt if it isn't something serious. If it's something like feeding a boar in the middle of town I seriously doubt that would be an accident, and even if it was you learned a hard lesson not to do that when you get killed and cursed. The community can be unforgiving at times but it's not really their fault. Griefers aren't punished harshly enough so the bad guys are running around freely. Some innocent people are bound to get caught up in the chaos of dealing with them. Blame Jason as always.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Is phex broken? » 2021-08-14 21:18:29

Same here. Been broken for a few hours

#21 Re: Main Forum » No One Ever Dies In "Childbirth" » 2021-08-10 14:45:23

LMAO imagine you're just playing the game doing your thing and then BAM you're dead. "Died in childbirth" age:14. Like that is the shittest idea you've come up with in a while. This isn't real life, things don't have to be realistic. This is a video game and it would be insanely frustrating to just die randomly like that. Gene score grinders would NEVER stay in birth range if that were a thing.

Keep it up tho spoon. This shit is funny.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Bring back multicultural families!!! » 2021-07-05 03:41:57

Language needs to be reworked or removed because it's totally broken right now. It's impossible to learn and even if you do learn another races language that fam will die out within the day anyways. Thank God phex exists.

I have put spoonwood guard on this comment. If spoon quotes this he gets 1,000 splinters

#23 Re: Main Forum » What was your hook? » 2021-07-01 22:23:44

Why do you two do this on every thread? You turn every thread into an argument about some nonsense. This is not on topic. Can you two just add each other on discord and get your argument itch out there? Poor OP asked you guys so nicely and you're still doing it. Ruining their thread.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Transphobic/harassment discrimination from moderator (fug/Tarr)? » 2021-06-21 04:46:35

Dodge wrote:

They cant have an actual discussion and prefer to bash down everything they dont like by screaming at it, very childish, grow up.

Sounds like you're the one doing the bashing and screaming at people you don't like cool

#25 Re: Main Forum » Transphobic/harassment discrimination from moderator (fug/Tarr)? » 2021-06-21 01:24:57

Sorry sorry, lemme fix this.


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