a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I found a sound that it could be like
My Votes for this
+1 for organization
Directly from Jason himself
"About the mod
This game has nudity in it. That's an important part of the game, and I'm no friend of censorship. I especially don't want to censor my own work, or build censorship directly into my game. So there will never be a "nudity filter" checkbox built into the game that will be easily accessible to everyone.However, I do realize that certain video outlets have draconian policies about the depiction of nudity. I do want people to be able to make videos about the game and post them everywhere.
So, I made this mod. It is not an official part of the game, but it can be used by end-users to remove nudity details from the game, by simply making them 100% transparent and thus invisible. After all, as an open source game, people are free to mod the game however they see fit.
Please think carefully before using this mod. It's NOT how the game is intended to be played. Is it really necessary in order to post at your favorite outlet? How likely is your video to be flagged or reported if you show the game in its natural form? After all, this is non-sexual, abstract cartoon nudity on very tiny game characters.
How to install
First, you might want to back up your existing sprites folder so you can restore it later. Just make a copy of it into another folder.Next, copy the contents of the mod's sprites folder into your sprites folder inside your OneLife game folder. When asked by your OS, tell it to replace the files. Make sure you copy the .tga files directly. Don't drag the sprites folder itself into the other sprites folder.
That's it. Next time you run the game, the nudity will be gone."
Do you happen to have steam? I use steams f12 screenshot. Just add the game to your steamlist and launch there. I'm not sure why printscreen does that though.
Did you by chance change any of the custom server files in the settings folder?
Also The dev posted this.
"=> Trouble connecting
If your game is getting Login Failed errors or generally not able to connect, you should verify that you are not behind a firewall or web proxy that might be blocking the game's attempts to connect out. The game connects out on ports 80 and 8005.
If connections are being blocked on Windows, you can find evidence of this in stdout.txt. The various network requests are logged in there, and you can see that they are hanging or failing."
If you go into where you installed the game, There is a folder called settings. Find the file called forceBigPointer and change it from 0 to 1. It makes the cursor larger.
They're the worst haha. Like 0.1 seconds after you see them in the corner of your screen ,you're dead.
There is only a cap pop of 40 people per server? I thought there was only 1 big world. If they put you back on a random server everytime you are born, the chance to see back a village or previous camp is really slim. Is there anyway to know on which server your are dumped?
You can manually go into your settings and change customServerAddress to server#.onehouronelife.com. Where as # is the server you want to force connect. But as far as i know that's the only way to know.
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