a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Exciting news!
We have submitted the iOS beta to Apple for review, and as soon as they approve it we can make it available to you guys. Usually it only takes between a couple of hours and one day, so there's a chance that it will happen this very day.
If you haven't signed up for the iOS beta yet, do so now (by sending me your email address) so you can try it asap when it goes live.
We are starting the work of getting an Android beta out as well, but that won't be ready until sometime next week.
There is a landing page at onehouronelife.app and we have set up a Discourse forum for discussing the mobile version at forum.onehouronelife.app, so there will be no confusion with mobile bug reports, suggestions and so on. Please visit and join if you're interested. You will be the first visitors.
Hopefully, my next update will be that the beta has gone live...
I'm in! I have an iPhone and iPad!
I actually would love to test it with you guys!
The beta for iOS is Live!
There is room for more people in the beta, so don't be shy.
Discuss the beta on forum.onehouronelife.app
Android +1
Ownership is the solution for everything.
I'll give it a try with Android!
This is awesome and a reason why open-source games are amazing since people can port games to their favorite platform. This would be a great game to play on mobile, but I wouldn't like to play with nudity, especially if I'm on public transit.
You can turn nudity off on mobile
When can we play it on android?
We have rolled out the beta on Google Play!!
To download, you need to become one of our "internal testers", and for that to happen we must register your email address (the one you use on Google Play). Send me your Google Play email address in a private message, and I will list you as an internal tester and then send you a different link to follow. We are limited to register at most 100 internal testers.
Looking forward to seeing you in the game!
Last edited by Christoffer (2018-07-03 11:02:58)
Exciting news. please sign me up as well, email = [email protected]
Would an iPhone 5 work too? I would really love to test out the beta
Noobs are fine, but noobs that don't listen and refuse to learn, get on my nerves. Your ignorance will lead you to Donkey Town one day.
"Hugs from grandma"
-Rose Winter
Would an iPhone 5 work too? I would really love to test out the beta
You should be able to play it, but I'm not sure you would get a nice even frame rate. You're welcome to try it out and see. If you report any bugs, please remember to mention the device though.
Send me your email and I'll sign you up.
Nudity is becoming an obstacle for distributing the game on AppStore and Google Play
https://forum.onehouronelife.app/t/the- … nudity/160
This is really sad. I think the characters look better without nudity-filter, but I guess “the World” feels differently.
HoneyBunnyGames video of mobile beta: https://youtu.be/leOQpYBpjVw
I have an ipad mini4 and a iphone 6s would be interested since i dont run a pc anymore and already paid for game
The game is released now. Look here for more info: https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewt … 785#p27785