a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Pages: 1
I always see Jason talking about interesting ideas (bloodlines more attuned to specific temperatures, pond grids, etc) but I'd love to see them actually implemented
Would it be at all an option to set up a server specifically to test new features like these? It could be easily joined by players if a button was included on the starting screen
The Frank to your Cleopatra
Splitting such a small playerbase never ends good
Invitation only (maybe as a contest prize?) Server is only open for like 3 hour windows to fiddle with and give feedback to new content? That way you could get a quorum (like 10 people...) and try out wild stuff without everyone jumping in all at once.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Invitation only.
Still more workload to Jason..? Maybe counter for playerID to be able to play 1 hour/once and no more in this test server, so it gets automated might work.
Pages: 1